Monday, November 4, 2013

Shew it's been a long time!

Sorry it's been such a long time since a post! I started up the blog then disappeared for a few months. Life just gets crazy like that. The most important event that has happened to our family lately is that our sweet baby girl arrived over 5 weeks early! Thank The Lord she is healthy and finally we've passed her projected due date but bringing home a preemie with an almost 3 year old son took a tiny bit of adjusting. (Thank you my dear sweet husband and son for all your help!)  So today she is 5 weeks old and doing great and I am able to start back on a few projects. Things to post pictures of: jelly roll boppy cover, jelly roll 16 patch, and I am currently working on A houndstooth baby quilt for my sisters new little also. Back in the swing and pictures coming soon! As soon as my husband can show me how to upload from the camera to the computer to the blog. ;)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sawtooth star quilt
I just finished this quilt top and I am waiting on the backing to arrive any day. I haven't decided if I am going to stitch in the ditch or free motion quilt on it yet. It's so pretty and fun! I used 2 Petal charm packs by Tanya whelan for Free Spirit fabrics, and the white is Kona snow. I do so love this traditional block!

Quilting. Sewing

Crib sheet
This is my first experience making a crib sheet and oh my was it easy! I did simply use a crib sheet that I already have to get my measurements. But really if you can measure a mattress then you can make a crib sheet. It's fun to make things custom! Since I was using this as my first experience making a crib sheet I did purchase some basic chevron fabric from my local craft store. But in the end I really love it! It washed so well and fits the mattress perfectly. I may order some fabric to make another that matches the petal sawtooth star quilt in the future.
Welcome to the first day of My blog. I am a fourth generation quilter, however I am still learning new things everyday! While I do love historic quilts I would probably be classified as more of a modern quilter. I like to forego borders if I can. I just love the look of a quilt that has the pattern right up next to the binding. While I have been sewing all my life that I can remember this blog will mostly be about what I'm working on at any given time. I will introduce my machines also. I experiment a lot. I like to make up my own patterns if I can't find what I have in mind.

My husband and I have been married for 11 years now (and thank goodness he doesn't fight the sewing habit I have!) we were married 8 1/2 years before having kids so he had time to get used to it. Hehe! Being a wife and mother is my favorite thing in the whole world! I am also a RN who works full time so finding time to sew and quilt can be pretty challenging. But as with any hobby love we will make time, right? Who's with me? Ha! I can't wait to post some of the things I've done in the past and things I'm working on now. I'm starting a great quilting adventure tomorrow with my best friend and can't wait to show pictures! Blessings, Becca