Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sawtooth star quilt
I just finished this quilt top and I am waiting on the backing to arrive any day. I haven't decided if I am going to stitch in the ditch or free motion quilt on it yet. It's so pretty and fun! I used 2 Petal charm packs by Tanya whelan for Free Spirit fabrics, and the white is Kona snow. I do so love this traditional block!

Quilting. Sewing

Crib sheet
This is my first experience making a crib sheet and oh my was it easy! I did simply use a crib sheet that I already have to get my measurements. But really if you can measure a mattress then you can make a crib sheet. It's fun to make things custom! Since I was using this as my first experience making a crib sheet I did purchase some basic chevron fabric from my local craft store. But in the end I really love it! It washed so well and fits the mattress perfectly. I may order some fabric to make another that matches the petal sawtooth star quilt in the future.
Welcome to the first day of My blog. I am a fourth generation quilter, however I am still learning new things everyday! While I do love historic quilts I would probably be classified as more of a modern quilter. I like to forego borders if I can. I just love the look of a quilt that has the pattern right up next to the binding. While I have been sewing all my life that I can remember this blog will mostly be about what I'm working on at any given time. I will introduce my machines also. I experiment a lot. I like to make up my own patterns if I can't find what I have in mind.

My husband and I have been married for 11 years now (and thank goodness he doesn't fight the sewing habit I have!) we were married 8 1/2 years before having kids so he had time to get used to it. Hehe! Being a wife and mother is my favorite thing in the whole world! I am also a RN who works full time so finding time to sew and quilt can be pretty challenging. But as with any hobby love we will make time, right? Who's with me? Ha! I can't wait to post some of the things I've done in the past and things I'm working on now. I'm starting a great quilting adventure tomorrow with my best friend and can't wait to show pictures! Blessings, Becca