Monday, April 20, 2015


Ahh life. Catching up on things will forever be my life. You know how you do one thing to prepare for another thing and when you actually have time to finish that thing you find your preperation is just no where to be found? This is my experience with my piyo after pictures. Life has been super busy lately and I just cannot find the pictures anywhere. And now I'm starting my 3rd week of turbo fire I should just take more pictures. In all honesty my pictures didn't look that different from the beginning. I didn't lose any weight on the scale but I did lose 5" total. I am 5' 7" and about 139 which isn't bad at all but it's just enough pudge to make me look uncomfortable. Everyone's normal is different no matter your height and my normal is not 139. I do believe that if you see someone and want what they have then you need to follow their recipe for success. Well, I'm not following the beachbody recipe exactly because I'm not drinking shakeology. I am drinking a protein shake but I cannot afford shakeology. And yes I have done the research. I know there are blog posts and you tube videos out there that say "well if you say you can't afford it that than you haven't tried hard enough". Nope. For several reasons but the main one is that when I finally get my body in shape I want it to be because of my hard work. Not because of a certain meal replacement shake. But enough about that. A few things about piyo: 

My first experience with Chalene Johnson and I loved the whole experience! She stays upbeat and tells you what you can do not what you can't do. She encourages you the whole way. 

I have an active mind and personality (there is just always something to do) so exercises that require one task for a long period of time just are not for me. I get bored in the first 3 minutes and will just quit and call it a day. (Think treadmill, eliptical, running). My first exercise love is aerobics. I love all the different moves and that it's always changing. Which is why I have come to love the chalene format. For years I have used the firm express and just love it. I still pull it out every now. The new HIIT programs are totally up my ally:) 

The workouts are very time efficient. I feel totally worked out after and they don't take up an afternoon. They flow wonderfully using your own body weight to build muscle (which is the coolest thing!). There is very minimal jumping and only in 1 or 2 workouts really. 

I love the timer! I need to see the timer to keep on track. I'm crazy like that. There is a great modifier if you ever need to calm down a move for your ability and she's always in good view. 

The videos rotate out the background exercisers (I don't know what you call them) so it gives you a great chance to see several body types at their physical peak. I really like this as I am built more like Chalene's sister Janelle than any of the others. My sisters are built more like Chalene herself. 

You can use child's pose anytime you need to. It is built into the routines but you can go into it anytime you feel you need to. 

It will totally define your rear. The moves will hurt but the results are wonderful! (Don't believe me? Just YouTube it and you will see tons of results with piyo) and one day my own if I can find the pictures. ;) 

There is a ton of plank work and it really hurts to do it but you have amazing upper and middle abs after the 8 weeks. Probably have amazing lower abs too you just can't see mine due to the stretched out lower abdominal muscles from 2 big pregnancies. Gonna take consistency (for the rest of my life) to get those things tightened back up. (But the women in the videos are proof that it can be done) 

Because it is lower cardio I didn't see any changes at all until about the 5th week. That was discouraging but I kept at it because I just loved the way it made me feel. (Speaking of, I am finishing my 3rd week of turbofire as I write this post and that with diet changes I am very surprised that the scale has not changed at all. Not one pound. I look a whole lot different in my midsection, upper body and face. I can wear tops I haven't been able to in a long time. So I am just very surprised that the scale hasn't changed at all. :(  but turbofire is a 20 week program and it's much more hardcore than piyo so I'm and for sure going through the 17 weeks I have left! ) 

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