Monday, April 27, 2015


So I've spoken about piyo before and I'm not totally finished yet. A few days more then I'll post my before and after pictures but just a few things real quick while I'm thinking about it. Things I love: the timer! I love being able to see the time for each interval. In doing many other workouts I would get impatient because I had no idea how much longer I had to go. Seeing the timer constantly has kept me going this 8 weeks. I didn't really see any big changes until the 5th week. While the scale didn't really budge until then that is when I started to see some muscle. (Which is what I was going for) while I do have about 10 lbs of fat to lose (total all over my body) I really wanted to lose it AND get muscular. I can totally see how easy it will be to continue on another 8 week session to gain more muscle. Now about that muscle. One con I had not thought about is that now I am about to finish my 8th week my new athletic thighs will not fit into my jeans. (And I was really hoping to fit into my jeans by the end of the 8 week season). One that was a con for me but will not be for others is one session (drench) is 48 minutes long. That is totally fine on my off day but when it falls on a day I work it's nearly impossible to get it in. On a work day I work 10.5 hour days so I get off work at 6pm, pick up our littles, we meet up with my husband at home, we cook dinner and don't get to eat until close to 8pm. Then we have to get the kids ready for and into bed which is never a short process. I wish I was the personality that could workout late at night but I cannot. It will keep me up for such a long time it's just not good. I've always been an athletic person, always played sports or was a walker (not a long distance runner here) but the whole trying to start a family and losing so many pregnancies really took my focus off of exercise about 5 years ago. So after 6 pregnancies (2 full term healthy babies) and losing 5 babies in pregnancy (1 was twins) it's past time to get my rear in gear and take control. So that is what I am the process of doing. After losing our last pregnancy in the second trimester I was able to really turn to piyo as part of my healing and exercise therapy. It is constant moving and in a strange way just so much more focused and calming that I confidently knew this was the workout for me to jump back into an athletic lifestyle. I do physically feel ready to take on something more extreme but I may stay with this one a while longer. I haven't made the decision just yet. One last quick thing that I see as a con (others will not) is that they promote shakeology. All of the beach body coaches promote it and they talk about it in the videos. Which can be annoying to some people. I don't mind it as I'm not going to order it. I find it to be way to expensive. It also got terrible reviews on the taste. I do make my own shakes at home. They are very simple. Just a handful of fresh organic spinach, 1/2 banana, 1 cup of any frozen fruit (strawberries, blueberries, peaches, mango, pineapple) 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt 1 tbsp ground flax seed, sprinkle of cinnamon, tiny sprinkle of turmeric and enough milk to allow my blender to shake it up. Any milk I have on hand: 2% cows milk, coconut, almond just what ever I've got. I've also left it out and used just water and it was great then too:) the way I make them I keep them under 200 calories so I add or leave out whatever I want to keep it in that range. Some days I use it as my lunch but other days I use  it as more of a supplement and eat a smaller meal. I've also added green tea to my diet and drink about 3-5 cups a day. I love hot tea but I also love it at room temperature with a little bit of lemon in it. Wow that was a LOT longer than I thought it would be for a "few things real quick" haha! Sorry! Pictures to come next week I believe is when I finish my first 8 week piyo session. Blessings, Becca 

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